Type of organisation Name Name (native) Country Website
Association for the Blind Association of the Swedish Deafblind - FSDB Förbundet Sveriges Dövblinda Sweden www.fsdb.org
Association for the Blind Norway Blind Association - NABP Norges Blindeforbund Norway www.blindeforbundet.no
Association for the Blind The Norwegian Association of the Deafblind - FNDB-INFO Foreningen Norges døvblinde - FNDB-INFO Norway http://home.online.no/~fndbred/engtos.htm
Teachers of IVIs Tambartun National Resource Centre for Special Education of the Visually Impaired Tambartun National Resource Centre for Special Education of the Visually Impaired Norway www.statped.no/tambartun
Governmental and EU organisation Statped - National service for special needs education Statlig spesialpedagogisk tjeneste Norway www.statped.no/Spraksider/In-English/
Designer of O&M aids Norwegian Library of Talking Books and Braille - NLB Biblioteket for lyd og punkt - NLB Norway www.nlb.no
Teachers of IVIs Institute for the Blind and Partially Sighted - IBOS "Danmarks Nationale Kompetence- og Rehabiliteringscenter - IBOS" Denmark www.ibos.dk
Designer of O&M aids NOTA - Danish National Library for persons with Print Disabilities NOTA - nationalbibliotek for mennesker med læsevanskeligheder Norway www.nota.nu
Teachers of IVIs National Institute for Blind and Partially Sighted Children and Youth Synscenter Refsnæs Denmark www.synref.dk
Association for the Blind Danish Association of the Blind - DAB Dansk Blindesamfund - DAB Denmark www.blind.dk
Association for the Blind Association of the Blind and Weak-Sighted Associação de Cegos e Amblíopes de Portugal - ACAPO Portugal www.acapo.pt
Association for the Blind Association for support and information of the blind and partially sighted Associação de Apoio e Informação a Cegos e Amblíopes - AAICA Portugal www.aaica.pt
Association for the Blind Association for the Promotion of Employment of visually impaired people Associação Promotora de Emprego de Deficientes Visuais - APEDV Portugal www.apedv.org.pt
Association for the Blind Associatin of Retinopathy of Portugal Associação de Retinopatia de Portugal - ARP Portugal www.retinaportugal.org.pt
Association for the Blind The Raquel and Martin Sain Foundation Fundação Raquel e Martin Sain - FRMS Portugal www.fundacao-sain.org.pt
Association for the Blind Union of the Blind of Bulgaria СЪЮЗЪТ НА СЛЕПИТЕ В БЪЛГАРИЯ Bulgaria http://ssb-bg.net/
Association for the Blind Maltese Association of visually-impaired persons Maltese Association of visually-impaired persons Malta
Governmental and EU organisation Commissioner for the Disabled of the State of Brandenburg Landesbeauftragter für die Belange behinderter Menschen Brandenburg Germany http://www.masgf.brandenburg.de/cms/detail.php/bb1.c.186954.de
Governmental and EU organisation Commissioner for the Disabled of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Bürgerbeauftragter des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany http://www.buergerbeauftragter-mv.de/index.phtml?Aktion=view&ID=1&SpecialTop=12
Governmental and EU organisation Commissioner for the Disabled of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate Landesbeauftragter für Menschen mit Behinderung Germany http://inklusion.rlp.de/der-landesbeauftragte/
Governmental and EU organisation Commissioner for the Disabled of the State of Berlin Landesbeauftragter für Menschen mit Behinderung Germany http://www.berlin.de/lb/behi/
Governmental and EU organisation Commissioner for the Disabled of the State of Hamburg Senatskoordinatorin für die Gleichstellung behinderter Menschen Germany https://www.hamburg.de/behoerdenfinder/hamburg/11281512/
Governmental and EU organisation Commissioner for the Disabled of the State of Lower Saxony Landesbeauftragte für Menschen mit Behinderungen Germany http://www.behindertenbeauftragter-niedersachsen.de/
Governmental and EU organisation Commissioner for the Disabled of the State of Saarland Landesbeauftragter für die Belange von Menschen mit Behinderung Germany http://www.saarland.de/lfb.htm
Governmental and EU organisation Commissioner for the Disabled of the State of Saxony-Anhalt Beauftragter der Landesregierung für die Belange behinderter Menschen Germany http://www.behindertenbeauftragter.sachsen-anhalt.de/
Showing 176 to 200 of 211 Entries

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