Type of organisation Name Name (native) Country Website
Teachers of IVIs CEDV Santifontaine CEDV France www.santifontaine.fr/
Association for the Blind Confédération Française pour la Promotion Sociale des Aveugles et Amblyopes CFPSAA France http://www.cfpsaa.fr/
Association for the Blind Croatian Ass. Of Blind croatian Croatia http://www.savez-slijepih.hr
Association for the Blind (Croatian Association of Deafblind Persons) Croatian Croatia www.dodir.hr
Association for the Blind Croatian Guide Dog and Mobility Association Croatian Croatia udruga@psivodici.hr
Association for the Blind Croatian Library for the Blind Croatian Croatia www.hkzasl.hr
Association for the Blind Danish Association of the Blind - DAB Dansk Blindesamfund - DAB Denmark www.blind.dk
Association for the Blind Brailleliga Deutsch Belgium http://www.braille.be/
Association for the Blind Œuvre Nationale des Aveugles absl Deutsch Belgium http://ona.be/
Association for the Blind La Lumière Deutsch Belgium http://www.lalumiere.be
Association for the Blind Sint-Rafaël Deutsch Belgium http://www.sintrafael.be/
Association for the Blind German Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired Deutscher Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten in Studium und Beruf e.V. Germany www.dvbs-online.de
Association for the Blind Estonian Support Union of the Deafblind Estonian Estonia http://www.pimekurdid.ee
Association for the Blind Estonian Blind Federation Estonian Estonia http://www.pimedateliit.ee/
Association for the Blind Eesti Pimedate Raamatukogu Estonian Estonia http://www.epr.ee/sisu/
Association for the Blind Association of the Swedish Deafblind - FSDB Förbundet Sveriges Dövblinda Sweden www.fsdb.org
Association for the Blind The Norwegian Association of the Deafblind - FNDB-INFO Foreningen Norges døvblinde - FNDB-INFO Norway http://home.online.no/~fndbred/engtos.htm
O&M specialist French Federation of the Blind French Federation of the Blind France www.aveuglesdefrance.org
Association for the Blind The Raquel and Martin Sain Foundation Fundação Raquel e Martin Sain - FRMS Portugal www.fundacao-sain.org.pt
Association for the Blind IBSA Regional Structure Hungarian Hungary http://www.ibsasport.org/ibsa-regional-structure/#europe
Association for the Blind IJA – Centre d’Education Sensorielle pour déficients visuels IJA France http://www.ija-lille.fr/
Association for the Blind Les Primevères - IJAA IJAA France http://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/
Rehabilitation specialist Institut Le Val Mandé ilvm France http://www.ilvm.fr/
Association for the Blind Institut national des jeunes aveugles INJA France http://www.inja.fr/
Association for the Blind Institut pour l'Insertion des Déficients Visuels (External link) ipidv France http://www.ipidv.org/
Showing 126 to 150 of 211 Entries

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