Type of organisation Name Name (native) Country Website
Association for the Blind The Norwegian Association of the Deafblind - FNDB-INFO Foreningen Norges døvblinde - FNDB-INFO Norway http://home.online.no/~fndbred/engtos.htm
Association for the Blind Danish Association of the Blind - DAB Dansk Blindesamfund - DAB Denmark www.blind.dk
Association for the Blind Association of the Blind and Weak-Sighted Associação de Cegos e Amblíopes de Portugal - ACAPO Portugal www.acapo.pt
Association for the Blind Association for support and information of the blind and partially sighted Associação de Apoio e Informação a Cegos e Amblíopes - AAICA Portugal www.aaica.pt
Association for the Blind Association for the Promotion of Employment of visually impaired people Associação Promotora de Emprego de Deficientes Visuais - APEDV Portugal www.apedv.org.pt
Association for the Blind Associatin of Retinopathy of Portugal Associação de Retinopatia de Portugal - ARP Portugal www.retinaportugal.org.pt
Association for the Blind The Raquel and Martin Sain Foundation Fundação Raquel e Martin Sain - FRMS Portugal www.fundacao-sain.org.pt
Association for the Blind Union of the Blind of Bulgaria СЪЮЗЪТ НА СЛЕПИТЕ В БЪЛГАРИЯ Bulgaria http://ssb-bg.net/
Association for the Blind Maltese Association of visually-impaired persons Maltese Association of visually-impaired persons Malta
Association for the Blind Blindenhilfswerks Berlin Blindenhilfswerks Berlin Germany www.blindenhilfswerk-berlin.de
Association for the Blind "SYZOI" Association of Parents, Guardians & Friends of Visually Impaired Persons with Multiple Disabilities "ΣΥΖΩΗ" Σύλλογος Γονέων, Κηδεμόνων & Φίλων Ατόμων με Διαταραχές Όρασης & Πρόσθετες Αναπηρίες Greece www.syzoi.gr
Showing 201 to 211 of 211 Entries

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