Είδος οργανισμού Όνομα Όνομα (ντόπιο) Χώρα Ιστοθέση
Association for the Blind Vorarlberger Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired Vorarlberger Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Austria www.vbsv.at
Governmental and EU organisation Unadev - Union Nationale des Aveugles et Déficients Visuels Unadev France http://www.unadev.com/
Other ALTINOKTA KÖRLERE HİZMET VAKFI Turkish Hungary http://www.altinokta.org.tr/korlere_hizmet_vakfi.php
Association for the Blind Altınokta Körler Derneği Ankara Şubesi Turkish Hungary http://www.ankaraaltinokta.org/iletisim.php
Association for the Blind Tirol Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired Tiroler Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Austria www.oebsv.at
Teachers of IVIs Tambartun National Resource Centre for Special Education of the Visually Impaired Tambartun National Resource Centre for Special Education of the Visually Impaired Norway www.statped.no/tambartun
Association for the Blind The Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired Synskadades Riksförbund Sweden www.srf.nu/om-oss/in-english/
Teachers of IVIs National Institute for Blind and Partially Sighted Children and Youth Synscenter Refsnæs Denmark www.synref.dk
Other Foundation Swiss School for Guide Dogs Stiftung Schweizerische Schule für Blindenführhunde Switzerland http://www.blindenhundeschule.ch
Governmental and EU organisation Statped - National service for special needs education Statlig spesialpedagogisk tjeneste Norway www.statped.no/Spraksider/In-English/
Governmental and EU organisation Commissioner for the Disabled of the State of Hamburg Senatskoordinatorin für die Gleichstellung behinderter Menschen Germany https://www.hamburg.de/behoerdenfinder/hamburg/11281512/
Rehabilitation specialist Sehwerk Sehwerk Germany http://www.sehwerk.com
Association for the Blind Swiss Association of the Blind Schweizerischer Blindenbund Switzerland http://www.blind.ch
Association for the Blind Swiss Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired Schweizerischer Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Switzerland http://www.sbv-fsa.ch
Association for the Blind CAB Schweizerische Caritasaktion der Blinden Switzerland http://www.cab-org.ch
Other Swiss Library for Blind and Visually Impaired SBS Schweizerische Bibliothek für Blinde, Seh- und Lesebehinderte SBS Switzerland http://www.sbs.ch
Association for the Blind SZBLIND Schweizer Zentralverband für das Blindenwesen Switzerland http://www.szb.ch
Association for the Blind The Swedish Association of Visually Impaired Youth Riksorganisationen Unga Synskadade Sweden www.ungasynskadade.se/
Association for the Blind Retina Suisse Retina Suisse Switzerland http://www.retina.ch
Association for the Blind Austrian Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired Österreichischer Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Austria www.braille.at
Association for the Blind Spanish National Organisation of the Blind (ONCE) Organizacion Nacional de Ciegos de España Spain http://www.once.es/new/otras-webs/english
Association for the Blind Oberösterreichische Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired Oberösterreichischer Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Austria www.blindenverband-ooe.at
Designer of O&M aids NOTA - Danish National Library for persons with Print Disabilities NOTA - nationalbibliotek for mennesker med læsevanskeligheder Norway www.nota.nu
Association for the Blind Norway Blind Association - NABP Norges Blindeforbund Norway www.blindeforbundet.no
Association for the Blind Maltese Association of visually-impaired persons Maltese Association of visually-impaired persons Malta
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