Είδος οργανισμού Όνομα Όνομα (ντόπιο) Χώρα Ιστοθέση
Association for the Blind European Blind Union (EBU) France http://www.euroblind.org/
Association for the Blind Panhellenic Association of the Blind - District Union of Central Macedonia Greece www.pst.gr
Association for the Blind Pancyprian Organization of the Blind Cyprus www.kysoa.org.cy
Teachers of IVIs Center for Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind "Agios Varnavas" Cyprus http://eid-scholi-tyflon-lef.schools.ac.cy/
Association for the Blind Turkish Blind Sport Federation Turkey http://www.gesf.org.tr/index.asp
Association for the Blind ALTINOKTA Association of the Blind Turkey http://www.altinokta.org.tr/rehber_brosur.php
Association for the Blind Uygar Federation of the Blind Turkey http://www.uged.org.tr/index.php
Association for the Blind Turkey Blind Sport Association Turkey http://www.gesf.org.tr/
Association for the Blind French Federation of Guide Dog Associations (FFAC) France http://www.chiensguides.fr/site/accueil/index.php
Association for the Blind Institut des Jeunes Aveugles France http://www.ijatoulouse.org/
Association for the Blind Institut des jeunes aveugles des Charmettes France http://www.voirensemble.asso.fr/
Association for the Blind Institut Médico-Professionnel Valentin Hauy pour Déficients Visuels France http://impro-avh.monsite-orange.fr/index.html
Association for the Blind Centre de Réeducation Le Clos-Chauveau France http://www.lespep.org/
Association for the Blind Centre Médico-Educatif La Pépinière France www.imelapepiniere.fr/
Association for the Blind Bienvenue chez les Auxiliaires des Aveugles France http://www.lesauxiliairesdesaveugles.asso.fr/
Association for the Blind Association des Aveugles de Créteil France http://lesaveuglesdecreteil.free.fr/
Association for the Blind Association A.I.R France http://www.air-asso.org/
Association for the Blind Hljóðbókasafn Íslands Iceland http://www.hljodbokasafn.is/
Association for the Blind LATVIJAS NEREDZĪGO BIEDRĪBAS REHABILITĀCIJAS CENTRS Latvia http://www.lnbrc.lv/homepage.htm
Association for the Blind Þjónustu- og þekkingarmiðstöð fyrir blinda, sjónskerta og daufblinda einstaklinga Iceland http://midstod.is/
Association for the Blind Latvijas Neredzīgo biedrības Centrālā valde Latvia http://www.lnbiedriba.lv
Association for the Blind Liepājas Neredzīgo biedrība Latvia http://www.redzigaismu.lv/
Other http://www.teodors.org/jaunumi/ Latvia http://www.teodors.org
Other Latvijas Neredzīgo bibliotēka Latvia http://www.esfondi.lv/
Other LNSS vadība Latvia http://www.lnssinfo.lv/
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