Είδος οργανισμού Όνομα Όνομα (ντόπιο) Χώρα Ιστοθέση
Association for the Blind The Swedish Association of Visually Impaired Youth Riksorganisationen Unga Synskadade Sweden www.ungasynskadade.se/
Association for the Blind Association of the Swedish Deafblind - FSDB Förbundet Sveriges Dövblinda Sweden www.fsdb.org
Association for the Blind Views Spain Spain www.viewsinternational.eu/content/grupo-de-los-estudientes-ciegos-espanol
Association for the Blind APASCIDE - Spanish Association of Parents of Deafblind People APASCIDE - ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE PADRES DE SORDOCIEGOS DE ESPAÑA Spain http://www.deafblind.com/europe.html#APASCIDE%20-%20Spanish%20Association%20of%20Parents%20of
Association for the Blind Spanish National Organisation of the Blind (ONCE) Organizacion Nacional de Ciegos de España Spain http://www.once.es/new/otras-webs/english
Association for the Blind Zveza društev slepih in slabovidnih Slovenije Slovenia http://www.zveza-slepih.si/
Association for the Blind Medobčinsko društvo slepih in slabovidnih Murska Sobota Slovenia http://www.mdss-ms-drustvo.si/
Association for the Blind Medobčinsko društvo slepih in slabovidnih Ljubljana Slovenia http://www.mdsslj.si/
Association for the Blind Medobčinsko društvo slepih in slabovidnih Novo mesto Slovenia http://www.drustvo-slepih-nm.si/
Association for the Blind Medobčinsko društvo slepih in slabovidnih Maribor Slovenia http://www.drustvo-mdssmb.si/
Other Center za socialno delo Maribor Slovenia http://csd-mb.si/
Other FIHO Slovenia http://www.fiho.si/
Other Andragoški center Republike Slovenije Slovenia http://www.acs.si/
Other Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut Republike Slovenije Slovenia http://www.ir-rs.si/
Association for the Blind The Romanian Association for Blind Cluj Romania http://www.anrcluj.ro/
Association for the Blind Association of the Blind and Weak-Sighted Associação de Cegos e Amblíopes de Portugal - ACAPO Portugal www.acapo.pt
Association for the Blind Association for support and information of the blind and partially sighted Associação de Apoio e Informação a Cegos e Amblíopes - AAICA Portugal www.aaica.pt
Association for the Blind Association for the Promotion of Employment of visually impaired people Associação Promotora de Emprego de Deficientes Visuais - APEDV Portugal www.apedv.org.pt
Association for the Blind Associatin of Retinopathy of Portugal Associação de Retinopatia de Portugal - ARP Portugal www.retinaportugal.org.pt
Association for the Blind The Raquel and Martin Sain Foundation Fundação Raquel e Martin Sain - FRMS Portugal www.fundacao-sain.org.pt
Association for the Blind Norway Blind Association - NABP Norges Blindeforbund Norway www.blindeforbundet.no
Association for the Blind The Norwegian Association of the Deafblind - FNDB-INFO Foreningen Norges døvblinde - FNDB-INFO Norway http://home.online.no/~fndbred/engtos.htm
Teachers of IVIs Tambartun National Resource Centre for Special Education of the Visually Impaired Tambartun National Resource Centre for Special Education of the Visually Impaired Norway www.statped.no/tambartun
Governmental and EU organisation Statped - National service for special needs education Statlig spesialpedagogisk tjeneste Norway www.statped.no/Spraksider/In-English/
Designer of O&M aids Norwegian Library of Talking Books and Braille - NLB Biblioteket for lyd og punkt - NLB Norway www.nlb.no
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