Είδος οργανισμού Όνομα Όνομα (ντόπιο) Χώρα Ιστοθέση
Association for the Blind APASCIDE - Spanish Association of Parents of Deafblind People APASCIDE - ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE PADRES DE SORDOCIEGOS DE ESPAÑA Spain http://www.deafblind.com/europe.html#APASCIDE%20-%20Spanish%20Association%20of%20Parents%20of
Teachers of IVIs Six Dots Foundation For The Blind Altı Nokta Körler Vakfı Turkey http://6nokta.org.tr/eski/en-yonetim.html
Association for the Blind Common Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired Berlin founded 1874 Allgemeiner Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverein Berlin gegr. 1874 e.V. Germany www.absv.de
Association for the Blind AGSS -Workinggroup Study for the Visually Impaired AGSS - Arbeitsgruppe Studium für Sehgeschädigte Germany www.fh-lausitz.de/agss
Designer of O&M aids Accesstech Accesstech Switzerland http://www.accesstech.ch
Association for the Blind "SYZOI" Association of Parents, Guardians & Friends of Visually Impaired Persons with Multiple Disabilities "ΣΥΖΩΗ" Σύλλογος Γονέων, Κηδεμόνων & Φίλων Ατόμων με Διαταραχές Όρασης & Πρόσθετες Αναπηρίες Greece www.syzoi.gr
Teachers of IVIs Institute for the Blind and Partially Sighted - IBOS "Danmarks Nationale Kompetence- og Rehabiliteringscenter - IBOS" Denmark www.ibos.dk
Association for the Blind K. E. Macan Library and Printing House for the Blind KTN – Knihovna a tiskárna pro nevidomé K.E. Macana Czech Republic http://www.ktn.cz/index
Association for the Blind European Blind Union (EBU) France http://www.euroblind.org/
Association for the Blind Panhellenic Association of the Blind - District Union of Central Macedonia Greece www.pst.gr
Association for the Blind Pancyprian Organization of the Blind Cyprus www.kysoa.org.cy
Teachers of IVIs Center for Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind "Agios Varnavas" Cyprus http://eid-scholi-tyflon-lef.schools.ac.cy/
Association for the Blind Turkish Blind Sport Federation Turkey http://www.gesf.org.tr/index.asp
Association for the Blind ALTINOKTA Association of the Blind Turkey http://www.altinokta.org.tr/rehber_brosur.php
Association for the Blind Uygar Federation of the Blind Turkey http://www.uged.org.tr/index.php
Association for the Blind Turkey Blind Sport Association Turkey http://www.gesf.org.tr/
Association for the Blind French Federation of Guide Dog Associations (FFAC) France http://www.chiensguides.fr/site/accueil/index.php
Association for the Blind Institut des Jeunes Aveugles France http://www.ijatoulouse.org/
Association for the Blind Institut des jeunes aveugles des Charmettes France http://www.voirensemble.asso.fr/
Association for the Blind Institut Médico-Professionnel Valentin Hauy pour Déficients Visuels France http://impro-avh.monsite-orange.fr/index.html
Association for the Blind Centre de Réeducation Le Clos-Chauveau France http://www.lespep.org/
Association for the Blind Centre Médico-Educatif La Pépinière France www.imelapepiniere.fr/
Association for the Blind Bienvenue chez les Auxiliaires des Aveugles France http://www.lesauxiliairesdesaveugles.asso.fr/
Association for the Blind Association des Aveugles de Créteil France http://lesaveuglesdecreteil.free.fr/
Association for the Blind Association A.I.R France http://www.air-asso.org/
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